Born 1983 lives in Basel., He joined the Knabenkantorei Basel at the age of seven. Since 2000 he is member of The Glue. After school he studies music, geography and math for secondary school-level. He teaches at the Sekundarschule St.Alban and is class-teacher. Besides he is the president and a singer of the Männerstimmen Basel, which he co-founded in 2008.
Born 1980, lives in Basel. At the age of seven he joines the Knabenkantorei Basel. 1998 he becomes a member of The Glue. In 2005 he finishes his studies in Germanistics, Easteuropean History and Media Science. After four years in different positions at the Theater Basel, he is now independent theater-director and -producer (Kurzer Prozess), journalist, musician, and also manager of the Festival for New Music Rümlingen. He sings in the Männerstimmen Basel.
Born 1981, lives in Basel. He joins the Knabenkantorei Basel at the age of seven and he founds in 1997 The Glue together with Oliver Rudin. Via Jazzschoole and a two year practica in social-work he starts organising cultural projects at the Fachmaturitätsschule Basel. After one year as co-director of Judith Schnyder he now does a Highschool-Theater-Production at the Gymnasium Leonhard every year. In the Quartiercircus Bruderholz he supports the young people in their artistic work and works now as director and stage-designers-assistant in the Children´s Theater Basel. This year he finishes his studies to become a primary school teacher. Besides, he sings in the Männerstimmen Basel and is responible for their outfit.
Born 1992, lives in Basel. Since January 2010 he is member of The Glue. His musical carreer starts at the age of six with the harp, with eight the cembalo joins in. Besides, he tries to imitate the drums with his mouth. Experimenting around with funny noises he ends up as a beatboxer. In march 2008 he wins a price at the swiss youth music competition on the double-harp with an original piece and jazz-improvisations. After studying medicine and completing an M.D. at the University of Basel he works now as a PhD candidate in the Machine Learning and Computational Biology Lab at the Department of Biosystems of ETH Zurich.
Born 1981, lives in Basel. At the age of six he joins the Knabenkantorei Basel. 1997 he founds The Glue together with Jonas Göttin. After Violin Studies at the University for Music already during school time, he studies School Music II and Choir Conducting, followed by Master studies in Cultural Management.Today, he teaches music at Gymnasium Kirschgarten (GKG) in Basel and conducts its choir and orchestra. Besides he is conductor of the „Gospelchor am Münster“, as well as the award-winning choirs “Männerstimmen Basel” and „Voices“. Further he is lecturer of music education at the teacher training college and is responsible for the gifted and talented education of the GKG.